New Section of Research 101 Class

ATTN:  We’ve opened a new section for the online Research 101 class.  If you registered on or before 9/24 you can continue to use the existing course for the rest of the semester.  New students please register in ACES for CRN# 63328.  Stop by the library or call us at 210.486.4513 if you need help.

Celebrate the freedom to read! Sept 25 – Oct 2

What do Carrie, DraculaThe Kite Runner, and Harry Potter have in common?  All of these books have been banned or challenged at one time or other.  

Banned Books Week highlights the benefits of free and open access to information while drawing attention to the harms of censorship by spotlighting actual or attempted banning of books across the United States.

Want to learn more?  Visit the NVC Library and check out the banned book display starting Monday 9/27. 

The books listed below are on display at the NVC Library.  The reason they were challenged is listed below the title.  To see a summary of the book, click on the title.  

Challenged For: pornographic and obscene content

Carrie – Stephen King

Challenged For: sexual content, anti-family themes, offensive language

Chocolate War – Robert Cormier
Challenged For: sexual content, offensive language

Dracula – Bram Stoker

Challenged For: sexual references

Harry Potter series – J.K. Rowling
Challenged For: promoting Wiccan religion

The Kite Runner – Khaled Hosseini

Challenged For: vulgar language, rape

The Lord of the Rings series – J. R. R. Tolkien
Challenged For: satanic themes

Challenged For: pornographic content, glorifying criminal activity and violence

Snow Falling on Cedars – David Guterson
Challenged For: sexually explicit content, offensive language, violence

Twilight – Stephenie Meyer
Challenged For: sexual content

Resource Spotlight: ScienceDirect

Resource Spotlight:  ScienceDirect

ScienceDirect is one of the premier databases for peer-reviewed journal articles in the sciences. 
ScienceDirect is more than just science though.  It also includes excellent coverage of many of the social sciences and some humanities as well. 
Please note that while ScienceDirect includes over 2,000 full text journals (about 9 million full-text articles!) it also has an additional 7,000+ journals that are available with abstracts only. 
 Full-text and abstract only articles are distinguished by the an icon (click picture at left to see a larger image) — green for full text and gray for abstract only. 
If you would like help obtaining an article that is available as an abstract only contact the Reference Desk (210.486.4513 or

Off-Campus Access to Library Resources

ALERT:  Off-campus access to the NVC Library resources has changed

Your new user name is your ACES ID
Example:  jsmith173

Your new password is the first 2 letters of your last name CAPITALIZED + the last 6 digits of your Banner ID #
Example:  SM142579

If you have problems logging in from off-campus please contact the Reference Desk (210.486.4513 or

Go Print

Starting Sept 7th the Go Print system will be fully implemented for all printing in the Library and student labs across campus.

After September 7th you will have to create a new account (even if you already have one).

You can add funds to your account with a debit/credit card or with cash (use the kiosk in the Cypress Campus Center). Printing is 10 cents per page (of document).

Help will be available in the Open Lab and the Library.

GoPrint is a pay per print system that will allow us to sustain and maintain printing services for our students.